Jim Imel
How did you become an amputee?
Automobile accident in 1974
Occupation: Retired from IT & Law Enforcement
Hobbies: Scuba Diving
Boy Scotts of America
"The worst thing about being an amputee is having to try to convince myself that I can do anything, regardless of my amputation."
"I had to learn how to be an amputee all on my own. I had no one to turn to with questions. I want to be there for my fellow amputees to help in any way that I can."
Kurt Tietz
How did you become an amputee?
Motorcycle accident in 1983
Occupation: Electrical Engineer & Locksmith
Hobbies: Competitive volleyball player
Bird Hunting
"The toughest thing about being an amputee is not being able to turn it off when you're having a bad day. Just because you are hurting or have a sore, you can't stop living. You have to push through."
Robin Helton
How did you become an amputee?
Cancer (osteosarcoma) at 16 years old
Occupation: Court Stenographer for Marion County Courthouse
Hobbies: Scrapbooking
Walking her dog
"I love meeting new people, especially amputees. Hearing everyone's stories and experiences is the best part of having a support group."
Tony Williams
How did you become an amputee?
Amputation in 2005 due to a tumor
(chondroblastoma) in ankle
Occupation: Prosthetic Technician
Hobbies: Gardening
Playing with his sons (ages 2 & 5)